Linear high performance feeding systems
FlexType L

Our flexible, linear high-performance feeding systems in the FlexType series impress with high performance and operator comfort. They are also suitable for workpieces with few discernible orientation characteristics. Depending on the workpiece, different parts of a part family can also be fed on the same system.
An additional feature is that the selection track can be changed quickly, thus ensuring high flexibility. The high-performance linear feeding systems are available in different sizes, depending on the performance, suitable for workpiece and/or the layout of your assembly line.
FlexType L (Large) the largest and most powerful of our linear feed systems, available in 4 sizes from 200 - 1200 mm width
The size of the feeding systems depends on the desired sorting capacity, the workpieces and the space available.
Product features of the linear feeding systems:
- cost-efficient drive technology
- compact design/li>
- flexible arrangement elements
- reproducible by CNC milling parts or 3D printing processes
- suitable for almost all workpieces, even with complex workpiece geometries
FlexType M

Our flexible, linear high-performance feeding systems in the FlexType series impress with high performance and operator comfort. They are also suitable for workpieces with few discernible orientation characteristics. Depending on the workpiece, different parts of a part family can also be fed on the same system.
An additional feature is that the selection track can be changed quickly, thus ensuring high flexibility. The high-performance linear feeding systems are available in different sizes, depending on the performance, suitable for workpiece and/or the layout of your assembly line.
FlexType M (Medium) our multi-track medium version with upstream vibratory bowl feeder as storage, available in three sizes 400, 630 and 800
The size of the feeding systems depends on the desired sorting capacity, the workpieces and the space available.
Product features of the linear feeding systems:
- cost-efficient drive technology
- compact design
- flexible arrangement elements
- reproducible by CNC milling parts or 3D printing processes
- suitable for almost all workpieces, even with complex workpiece geometries
FlexType S

Our flexible, linear high-performance feeding systems in the FlexType series impress with high performance and operator comfort. They are also suitable for workpieces with few discernible orientation characteristics. Depending on the workpiece, different parts of a part family can also be fed on the same system.
An additional feature is that the selection track can be changed quickly, thus ensuring high flexibility. The high-performance linear feeding systems are available in different sizes, depending on the performance, suitable for workpiece and/or the layout of your assembly line.
FlexType S (Small) the smallest of our linear feeding systems, available in 2 sizes 200 and 250
The size of the feeding systems depends on the desired sorting capacity, the workpieces and the space available.
Product features of the linear feeding systems:
- cost-efficient drive technology
- compact design
- flexible arrangement elements
- reproducible by CNC milling parts or 3D printing processes
- suitable for almost all workpieces, even with complex workpiece geometries
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Video aufrufenFlexType C

Our flexible, linear high-performance feeding systems in the FlexType series impress with high performance and operator comfort. They are also suitable for workpieces with few discernible orientation characteristics. Depending on the workpiece, different parts of a part family can also be fed on the same system.
An additional feature is that the sorting track can be changed quickly, thus ensuring high flexibility. The high-performance linear feeding systems are available in different sizes, depending on the performance, suitable for workpiece and/or the layout of your assembly line.
FlexType C (Compact) is designed to be particularly space-saving with high availability
The size of the feeding systems depends on the desired sorting capacity, the workpieces and the space available.
Product features:
- low noise
- minimum use of sorting air
- suitable for parts with minor discernible orientation characteristics
- simple changeover procedure
- basic unit can be re-used for changed part ranges
- open system for easy access
- very quick emptying
- quick and easy changeover for product changes
- high availability excellent reliability
- quick part recirculation
- orienting and selection immediately after filling - even with small lot sizes
- increased performance
- extremely compact design
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Video aufrufenVibratory bowl feeders
FlexType Q

The sorting of the vibratory bowl feeder in the FlexType Q series is milled and 3D-printed and therefore completely reproducible. They are therefore flexible and can be quickly changed over to another workpiece. This means that different parts of a part family can be fed.
Product features:
- Reproducible design due to milled and printed elements.
- The product-specific, flexible arrangement elements (tooling) can be quickly changed over (only 4 screws).
- The integrated, transparent dust and noise protection can be removed without tools for better accessibility during cleaning and maintenance.
- Optical highlight due to "clean" finish
- Simulation possible in advance
- Digital twin
- Practicability and design even without sample parts
- Short lead time
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Video aufrufenFlexType B (3D)

RNA vibratory feeder drives are characterised by their low susceptibility to faults. They are reliable and safe in continuous operation. The use of high-performance magnets enables a high, load-independent conveying capacity with compact dimensions. The sorting of the vibratory bowl feeder in the FlexType B (3D) series are 3D-printed and therefore completely reproducible. They are therefore flexible and can be quickly changed over to another workpiece. This means that different parts of a part family can be fed.
Product features:
- cost-efficient drive technology
- compact design
- flexible arrangement elements
- reproducible by 3D printing process
- suitable for almost all workpieces, even complex workpiece geometries
The workpieces are sorted inside or outside the bowl feeder. The sortings can be flexibly designed and also reproduced so that changes of sorting elements can be easily made and different parts of a part family can be sorted.
- Simulation possible in advance
- Digital twin
- Practicability and design even without sample parts
- Short lead time
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Video aufrufenFlexType B (Inox)

The sorting of the vibratory bowl feeders in the FlexType B (Inox) series are CNC milled and therefore completely reproducible. They are therefore flexible and can be quickly changed over to another workpiece. This means that different parts of a part family can be fed.
Product features:
- Product features:
- compact design
- flexible arrangement elements
- reproducible by milling
- suitable for almost all workpieces, even with complex workpiece geometries
The workpieces are sorted inside or outside the bowl feeder. The sortings can be flexibly designed and also reproduced so that changes of sorting elements can be easily made and different parts of a part family can be sorted.
- Simulation possible in advance
- Digital twin
- Practicability and design even without sample parts
- Short lead time
Step feeders
FlexType ST

Our step feeders in the FlexType ST series are ideally suited for workpieces with low sorting characteristics - easy to convert and with adjustable speeds, they are offered as a service-friendly complete solution and are available in two sizes. The workpieces are conveyed upwards from the hopper sump by means of counter-rotating lifting plates and thus reach the desired transfer height without the need for any further conveyor technology. The workpieces are already pre-sorted by the upward transport and the shape of the lifting plates. In addition, the lifting plates can be equipped with clamping protection if required.
A built-in quick-change system of the linear sorting track, which distinguishes the FlexType ST, allows tool-free changeover, both for part families and for workpieces of different types. The RNA step feeders are available in two different sizes. A stationary hopper is integrated in each size. The low filling height allows manual filling. For larger quantities of workpieces, we supply upstream vibratory or belt hoppers of any size. The hopper volume and consequently the maximum filling weight, the number of steps and the step depth can be selected for each size. Components
We offer our customers complete solutions, but also supply all system components for their own adaptation and the integration of sorting equipment. The step feeder operates almost noiselessly and vibration-free without workpieces. High piece outputs even with the smallest sorting features characterise this system.
Fast delivery times, due to standardised components, a quick emptying system, as well as an integrated hopper can round off the system.
Step width (mm): 220 or 320
Step depth (mm): 15/20/25/30
Strokes/min: 10 to 45
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Video aufrufenFlexType ST (nano)

Compact, flexible, powerful and reproducible - the innovative solution for small high-volume parts
Thanks to a standardised basic structure, short delivery times are guaranteed. Fast changeover for different formats by means of quick-change elements for the orienting and accumulating rail ensure flexibility and cost-effective investment.
Minimal relative movement between the parts enables gentle handling and low noise levels.
The innovative, low-vibration linear drive (SLA) ensures a minimum-gap interface at the transition to your machine
An optional escapement unit with blow feeder, also with quick-change device, can be supplied.
Step width (mm): 120
Step depth (mm): 10
Strokes/min: 20
- with flexible step feeder
- interchangeable orienting tools for part families
- easy to service, easily accessible and easy to clean
- very quiet and smooth running
- particularly gentle on parts, thus also suitable for coated and fragile components
- 100% machine-made and fully reproducible for repeat orders
- optional fragment separation and quick emptying
- attractive price and fast delivery
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Video aufrufenRobotic feeding systems
FlexType R

Everything from a single source: FlexType R
With our innovative FlexType R feeding systems, we have combined the advantages of feeding technology and robotics.
Technology that can do even more:
- Do your workpieces tend to jam? (not accumulative)
- Do you want to process families of parts?
- Do your workpieces have complex geometry?
Convertible and economical:
- Do your products have a short market life and are subject to change?
- Do you manufacture small batch sizes?
FlexType R is available on the basis of vibration platforms (FlexCube) or linear feeding systems and is particularly suitable for complex workpiece geometries or parts that cannot be accumulated. FlexType R offers a high feeding rate (workpieces in a position that can be picked up) and thus ensures maximum utilisation of the robot's cycle performance and thus high economic efficiency.
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Video aufrufenFlexType P

The FlexType P is characterised by the integrated, pre-configured and pre-assembled vibration platform.
Targeted movements in the x, y and z directions can be programmed on the vibration platform. As a result, the workpieces are moved while taking into account their condition, in such a way that a high number of parts are prepared for tapping. Compared to uncontrolled vibration platforms, higher feed rates are thus achieved. The free programming of the part throw even allows elongated parts to be set up or chambers mounted directly on the platform to be filled. The final commissioning with a robot is up to our customer.
RNA also offers double systems based on a modular system as shown, with two platforms for independent parallel operation. Equipment with hopper, quick emptying and part return for short changeover times are optionally available. Combination with various robot and control systems or gantry handling is possible.
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