RNA SystemBasis – Standardized feeding technology from stock
SystemBasis is a highly standardized feeding system, which is 80% ready-built and always in stock. Only the tooling and hopper systems are still customized to the respective parts. This shortens lead times and cuts costs in the long term. Another advantage is that the SystemBasis can be fully reproduced and simulated. The high degree of standardization enables short lead times, fast design coordination, and a standard layout for a wide variety of feeding tasks.
SystemBasis builds on our flexible, reproducible FlexType series feeding systems. Characterized by excellent performance, a wide application area and convenient operation, they can also be fully simulated. In the FlexType series, our smallest linear feeding system, FlexType S, and our compact step feeder FlexType ST (nano) are currently kept in stock as a universal system basis.
The systems are immediately available from stock! Fast availability is made possible by the high degree of standardization. Furthermore, the system can be simulated and a digital twin of the system mapped. The feeding systems in the SystemBasis series are compact and easy to access. They are universally applicable and fully reproducible thanks to the tooling manufactured with by CNC or 3D printing processes. The modular design for additional equipment such as hoppers, sound insulation enclosures, etc. gives you maximum flexibility. By the middle of the year, FlexType L, our largest linear feeding system, will also be available as a SystemBasis.
For more information about FlexType ST (nano) and FlexType S, please visit our website Website.