Digital Motion: The easiest way to optimise RNA drives!
With our Digital Motion simulation software, tuning RNA drives has never been easier. The design of the linear track has been created and now the question arises as to which linear feeder can be used to achieve the desired feeding performance and how the drive must be mechanically adjusted so that it also achieves the desired vibration behaviour? We ask ourselves these and other questions every day, always endeavouring to achieve the best result for the task in hand.
With our ‘Digital Motion’ simulation software, you can now simulate, analyse and optimise the vibration behaviour of the associated linear feeder during the design phase of a linear track. For example, you can define spring assemblies, spring angles or counterweights and then simulate the ‘running behaviour’ directly with your designed linear track. This offers you security, saves time in the installation process and optimally utilises the performance of our linear feeders.
From 1 January 2025, we will be offering our customers the opportunity to configure a purchased linear feeder free of charge. To do this, please use the QR code attached to the linear feeder to register. Support from our RNA Digital Solutions team is available if required.