American Feeding Systems, Inc. and RNA enter into a strategic partnership for the US
American Feeding Systems (AFS) and Rhein-Nadel Automation (RNA) have established a strategic partnership and signed a cooperation agreement on May 22, 2023. Under this agreement, AFS is now also the official dealer for RNA in the USA. The objective of this partnership is to develop our business in the States and to provide support for service jobs. With the aid of digitization and the possibilities offered by AI and simulation software, reproducible and simulatable feeding systems are to be offered in the long term on the American market.
American Feeding Systems based in Noblesville, Indiana, was incorporated in 1982 and is a leading supplier of feeding systems for a variety of industry sectors such as pharmaceutical, medical, automotive, electronics or consumer goods. The corporation has specialized in the design and manufacture of bespoke feeding solutions, and has developed a great reputation based on their longstanding experience and expertise. AFS is renowned for their innovative solutions, top-of-the-range product quality and outstanding customer service. This makes AFS the ideal partner of RNA for the American market. AFS will in future manufacture their feeding systems on the basis of RNA components, thus securing a long-term competitive advantage. In addition, RNA will be supporting AFS with our digital solutions. These include our Digital Motion simulation software for digital tuning of RNA drives, which greatly facilitates and optimizes the handling of RNA drives and the rating and dimensioning of feed bowls and linear rails. AFS will also be supported by RNA with simulation studies for parts simulation, as well as ready-to-use design solutions for the manufacture of reproducible feeding systems. With the introduction and marketing of flexible and reproducible systems such as linear feeders, we intend to expand our market share and drive our growth on the American market. Through this strategic cooperation, AFS and RNA will strive to raise American feeding technology to a new level and ultimately to make AFS the number one supplier on the American market.